Роль мифов в сознании современного общества

The role of myths in the consciousness of modern society

УДК 32.0.19

Ковалева М.В., кандидат исторических наук, доцент кафедры Общеобразовательных дисциплин, Орловский государственный университет им. И.С.Тургенева, Мценский филиал

Kovaleova M.V., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate professor of social and humanitarian disciplines, Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev, Mtsensk branch

В статье рассматривается понятие современного мифа, его признаки, существующие классификации, особенности мифического пространства. Подробно описываются функции мифов и источники их возникновения. Проводится анализ таких современных мифов, как: столкновение цивилизаций, демократия, глобализация, национальных мифов ряда стран Европы и США.

Ключевые слова: современный миф, признаки мифа, классификации современных мифов, функции мифов, источники возникновения мифов, мифологическое пространство, национальный миф.

The author analyzes the concept of modern myth, its signs, existing classifications, and features of mythical space. The functions of myths and their sources are described in detail. In the article critically examines such modern myths as the clash of civilizations, democracy, globalization, national myths of several European countries and the United States.

Keywords: modern myth, signs of myth, classifications of modern myths, functions of myths, sources of myths, mythological space, national myth.

Список литературы

  1. Дробижева Л.М. Российская идентичность и межэтнические отношения: 20 лет реформ./ Этнопанорама. №3-4. 2011. С.6- 10.
  2. Amador Julio. Is myth an essential component of political discourse and political practice? URL: https:/ www.researchgate.net/ post/Is_myth_an_essential_component_of_political_discourse_and_political_practice (дата обращения: 03.11.2019)
  3. Beer Francis A. Mythic America in a Globalizing MythWorld: Political Dreams and Shadows./ Mythic America. URL: https:/ www.e-ir.info/ 2013/ 04/ 20/ mythic-america-in-a-globalizing-mythworld-political-dreams-and-shadows/ (дата обращения: 10.11.2019)
  4. Bottici Chiara, Challand Benoit.Rethinking Political Myth The Clash of Civilizations as a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy./ European Journal of Social Theory 9(3): 315–336
  5. Chernus Ira. The meaning of “myth” in the american context. URL: https:/ mythicamerica.wordpress.com/ the-meaning-of-myth-in-the-american-context/ (дата обращения: 15.11.2019)
  6. Koch Richard. The myth of globalization. / RichardKoch. URL: http:/ richardkoch.net/ 2013/ 10/ the-myth-of-globalization/ (дата обращения: 11.11.2019)
  7. Miller James. Five myths about democracy. / Washington post. - September8. - 2018 . URL: https:/ www.washingtonpost.com/ outlook/ five-myths/ five-myths-about-democracy/ 2018/ 09/ 07/ 987e2c6e-b14e-11e8-aed9-001309990777_story.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.c4d12a7fa6b7 (дата обращения: 14.11.2019)
  8. Milosevic Katarina, Stojadinovic Misa.Understanding the contemporary political myth through the prism of national identity?/ FACTA UNIVERSITATIS. Series: Philosophy, Sociology, Psychology and History. Vol. 11, No1, 2012, pp. 77 – 87.
  9. Shteynman Maria. Political Myth and Political Glory: Shaping Media Reality./ Russian sociological review. 2016. VOL. 15. N4. Р. 96 – 113.
  10. Stevanovic Branislav.From archaic to modern (political) myth: the causes, functions and consequences. / FACTA UNIVERSITATIS. Series: Philosophy, Sociology, Psychology and History Vol. 7, No1, 2008, pp. 25 – 41.


  1. Drobizheva L.M. Rossijskaya identichnost` i mezhe`tnicheskie otnosheniya: 20 let reform./ E`tnopanorama. №3-4. 2011. S.6- 10.
  2. Amador Julio. Is myth an essential component of political discourse and political practice? URL: https:/ www.researchgate.net/ post/Is_myth_an_essential_component_of_political_discourse_and_political_practice (data obrashheniya: 03.11.2019)
  3. Beer Francis A. Mythic America in a Globalizing MythWorld: Political Dreams and Shadows./ Mythic America. URL: https:/ www.e-ir.info/ 2013/ 04/ 20/ mythic-america-in-a-globalizing-mythworld-political-dreams-and-shadows/ (data obrashheniya: 10.11.2019)
  4. Bottici Chiara, Challand Benoit.Rethinking Political Myth The Clash of Civilizations as a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy./ European Journal of Social Theory 9(3): 315–336
  5. Chernus Ira. The meaning of “myth” in the american context. URL:https:/ mythicamerica.wordpress.com/the-meaning-of-myth-in-the-american-context/ (data obrashheniya: 15.11.2019)
  6. Koch Richard. The myth of globalization. / RichardKoch. URL: http:/ richardkoch.net/ 2013/ 10/ the-myth-of-globalization/ (data obrashheniya: 11.11.2019)
  7. Miller James. Five myths about democracy. / Washington post. - September8. - 2018 . URL: https:/ www.washingtonpost.com/ outlook/ five-myths/ five-myths-about-democracy/ 2018/ 09/ 07/ 987e2c6e-b14e-11e8-ed9-001309990777_story.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.c4d12a7fa6b7 (data obrashheniya: 14.11.2019)
  8. Milosevic Katarina, Stojadinovic Misa.Understanding the contemporary political myth through the prism of national identity?/ FACTA UNIVERSITATIS. Series: Philosophy, Sociology, Psychology and History. Vol. 11, No1, 2012, pp. 77 – 87.
  9. Shteynman Maria. Political Myth and Political Glory: Shaping Media Reality./ Russian sociological review. 2016. VOL. 15. N4. R. 96 – 113.
  10. Stevanovic Branislav.From archaic to modern (political) myth: the causes, functions and consequences. / FACTA UNIVERSITATIS. Series: Philosophy, Sociology, Psychology and History Vol. 7, No1, 2008, pp. 25 – 41.

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